A book of healing. A book of sensibility. A book that explains how our earth got so crazy. The book I want to read that hasn’t been written yet is how our people come together somehow and fix everything. The book that tells us how human rights abuses and genocides are healed and the hurts are righted. How people of European descent apologize to Indigenous people all over the earth and with grace they forgive us. Of how we quickly step in and stop our poor manufacturing processes therefore reversing the impossible rate of earth’s temperature rising. Freezing the icecaps. Giving space for polar bears to live. Penguins and seals still have somewhere to swim. People in Miami won’t have water up to the 2nd floors of their buildings. People in Iowa won’t have beach front Property. The fucking ozone fixes itself. No hole.
The book I want to read that hasn’t been written yet is one of deep understanding, that we all figure out that race relations is a scam and that we all have the same blood, bones, and sinew underneath our skin.
The book I want to read is how to understand and help the masses suffering: the homeless in our country and children everywhere who don’t have enough to eat while I throw out some food because I didn’t eat it.
The book I want to read that hasn’t been written yet is the one I am writing myself. The one where I tell my truth and by telling it I receive clarity, healing, an end to my struggles. By writing and being heard I will find an end to the sadness, depression, and anxiety. I will be done with it. Poof.
The book I want to read is about living without pain, without conflict. The book I was to read is about being free. The way I see it, freedom consists of being clear about what is behind me and knowing that the future is quite different.
The book I want to read which hasn’t been written yet is about love. About so much love it heals everything. It heals the struggles of all of us from infancy to old age. It solves the problems of our geopolitical systems, of distrust and hatred. The book is about how love heals the hatred within our country. Love teaches us not to be afraid. Love teaches us that we are nothing without it, and to seek enrichment and replenishment each and every day. Love teaches us to reflect that love back to everyone we see. To love immensely and endlessly. To open the door for others in the biggest way possible — to offer generosity.
7 Responses
Up to us to write that book. More likely an encyclopedia.
I want to read that book too’
“Love teaches us not to be afraid. Love teaches us that we are nothing without it…Love teaches us to reflect that love back to everyone we see…” Of course!
Thanks for sharing this passion for change.
Up to us to live that life, and hope it inspires other to do the same. I try to address these issues with my students to at least make it a conversation and teach them to think for themselves. We as society need to re-prioritize:
We are upside down!
“freedom consists of being clear about what is behind me and knowing that the future is quite different.”
This observation so resonated with me. Thank you for sharing it.
I was since informed that the ozone is healed. Not sure.