I write and write but still I say
It’s stuck in my body
You know what I’m talking about
It’s stuck in yours, too
Is it in your hips or thighs
Your kidneys, shoulders, or throat?
I have choked
I have coughed
I have stuffed it down
I have starved it
I have eaten so much
My body became unlovable, untouchable
But I broke free
I found my voice and
My anger is beautiful
Not to everyone, but to me
I haven’t shut up in months
My freedom is their noise
My body forgot how to dance
Or doesn’t want to
My body remembered tree pose, prayer hands, and corpse
What I almost became
Several times
But something stopped me
Because I’m supposed to live
These are the comments from the this blog that didn’t send properly
Powerful stuff. Keep it coming!
Yessss! 😍 love it
Intense. Wow. ♥️
Amazing – love you Dan
Outstanding Danielle. You are amazing. I am sorry that you are struggling with so much pain. Never give up! Please????
I’m well now. I found this in a notebook from last year.
So happy you are well from this pain Danielle. Powerful piece! 🥰