I think it’s brave that you go to Whole Foods even though you might run into someone you know and have an awkward conversation about why you’ve been out of touch for months. I think it’s brave that you continue to attend Yoga classes because someone might ask you how you are and you might begin to cry. I think it’s brave that you drive to meet a friend even though you don’t want to and carry on a conversation as if you have your shit together. I think it’s brave that you’re having Thanksgiving at your house even though surely you are not up for it. I think it’s brave that you show up at therapy week after week in case that helps somehow. I think it’s brave that you read your writing aloud as it is something that makes you vulnerable. I think it’s brave that you are a beekeeper. I think it’s brave that you teach a dance class, the moves long memorized but what if you forget something? I think it’s brave to live in California at all. I think it’s brave to walk up the street and say hello to the neighbors should you encounter any because they are quite unfriendly. I think it’s brave to tell anyone that you’re not doing well—but what good does it do to pretend? I think it’s brave to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and express yourself and share it online. I think it’s brave to be human and navigate this earth. I think it’s brave that you stood up to your mother despite it having no effect. I think it’s brave to move 4 times in 3 years.
I think it’s brave to get up each and every day and be human.
26 Responses
I think it’s brave that you wrote this. Thank you for writing it. I’m trying to be brave too. Here’s mine:
I think it’s brave that you got up this morning. That you are somehow making it to work even though you’re hair is falling out and you don’t want anyone to look at you. I think it’s super brave that you’re trying to date someone new, someone that you really admire, and it’s terrifying. I think it’s brave to call a friend when you’re not strong. I think it’s brave to try on over the knee boots when you’ve over 50. I think it’s brave to try modern dance after 45 years. To confront aging, to eat normally, to get through a day, that’s brave.
Dear Sarah, I hear you. Every day takes a herculean act of bravery. Carry on Warrior. I like the over the knee boots try-on. I am getting mine tomorrow. hugs.
Sarah, any guy would be fortunate to go out with such a vibrant sexy over 50 year old wearing over the knee boots!
I love this piece. So true!
Thank you for your bravery. It takes a lot to be publicly vulnerable and you htmy admiration for it!
yes I have to as it is my healing path — transparency
Yes and wow! It is brave to let people know this is how you are feeling. I had no idea. Hugs to you!
❤️ brave indeed.❤️❤️
I think it’s brave to get up every day even when doing so is so unrelentingly painful. I think it’s brave to ask to spend time with one’s offspring even when they might say no. I think it’s brave for Americans to travel to foreign lands where they’re mostly despised. I think it’s brave to send an order back to the kitchen because it sucks. I think it’s brave to assume that a mere acquaintance might actually remember a long-ago meeting. I think it’s brave to go to a party where everyone else knows each other. I think it’s brave to ask for help.
It’s very brave to be a political activist. So much work, kind of thankless.
BTW ask me, I rarely say no.
This piece is the bravest thing I’ve read of yours. It made me sad, proud and happy that you shared it with us.
Thanks so much for your friendship these years (def more than 10) and for encouraging me to see Arab movies, Jewish movies, walk around the lake, get coffee, get lunch. I appreciate you dear KK.
Thank you, Danielle, and friends.
I’m going off to be brave now!!
I consider you one of the bravest people I know, raising your granddaughter all on your own! Good job dear Susan!
Once again, I feel moved by your transparency and appreciate you, my dear friend.
My turn. I feel brave to engage in life despite the daily fears that my older son will never regain his sanity or live indepently. I feel brave to tell my father that I will not see him as long as he denies having sexually abused me. I feel brave for calling the police on my brother and standing by my son. I feel brave when I tell people why my brother is in prison. I feel brave that I participate life despite the fact that if either one of my sons relapses they may die of an overdose or we will once again ride the waves of another crisis.
Janet, you are one of the bravest people I know.
Thanks for the post as i never really thought about being “brave” when I speak of cancer or my daughter being in rehab for the 4th time or the rehab from knee surgery that is taking 3 times as long as predicted due to complications and the ambulance ride to the hospital because of a pulmonary embolism or the day to day trials/tribulations when one has a son with special needs and learning differences while looking so “normal” from the outside or the day to day financial worries around a retired salary while children’s expenses go thru the roof or … or … or …
Life has so much to be brave about, Tom. Keep on being real. xo
Your courage in being an advocate for yourself and practicing self compassion is such a wonderful example for your friends and family. Thank you Danielle.
I love your brave bad ass self. This piece is awesome. It’s brave to have an open heart. And we are like super heroes in the vulnerability department . X men of real ness. Avengers of love. Glad we are on the same team.
Openheartedness is definitely my superpower and my Kryptonite at the same time. Gets me through life and gets me in hella trouble at the same time.
At 80, my Mother and Father are gone; many of my friends have passed as well. And my son. Loss begets gratitude in so many ways. We praise others and ourselves. We do not malign ourselves. We move forward with vigor; take a stand; withdraw when necessary or when we want to. You know when your spirit is reaching someone, and not through anything overt. Sharing this wonderful passage from Fr. Richard Rohr about contemplation. In my view, this hits it all on the mark.
“Without the contemplative mind, all our talk about and action for social change and justice can actually do more harm than good. In working for social change, we all get angry, disillusioned, alienated, and hurt. We make mistakes, we don’t agree with others, we discover that change takes longer than we’d hoped and the solution isn’t as simple as we’d imagined. I have seen far too many give up, grow bitter, or just nurse a quiet cynicism when they can’t hold disappointment with a contemplative, nondual consciousness. Action needs to be accompanied by contemplation for us to stay on the journey for the long haul. Otherwise, we’re just constantly searching for victims and perpetrators, and eventually we start playing the victim or perpetrator ourselves.”
I like this quote very much Kay. Thanks for sharing it. Action is a pain in the ass and trying to act with others is a hassle but has to be done. Contemplation does help.
This is yet another important piece that you’ve written and shared, Danielle. I hope you hear my admiration for you as support, since I offer it to you as that. I miss dancing with you, and just might make myself go to Contra Costa to have the experience again! Love, Nancy
There’s some really brave women here- filling me with reminders- Thanks all ! and way to go Danielle, xo