Hush Child and Listen

Hush Child and listen (rough draft)

You don’t listen enough and sometimes you listen too much so that you are underlistening and sometimes overlistening–what is the right. balance? You need to hush to hear the rain, you need to hush to hear the sunshine, you need to hush to hear the cat’s purr, you need to open your eyes to hear the leaves rustle, to hear the footsteps up the stairs. You need to open your eyes to hear the pan frying, to hear the fire burn, you need to hush so you can see the sunshine, so you can feel the blankets, so you can know it is night time and close your eyes. You need to hush so you can knit a sweater, so you can cook the soup, so you can see your heartbeat. You need to hush so you can see the bees place their honey is perfect wax hexagons.
You need to open your eyes to see the beauty of the Thai altars and offerings to the Buddha. You need to open your eyes to be with others, to hear your heart and know its yearning. You need to hush so you can see eternity and nothingness. You need to open your eyes to hear the angels dancing, who have come to cheer you on and help you on your way.

13 Responses

  1. Love this so much, D! You capture so many lovely images of moments that can easily be missed in the absence of mindfulness. A beautiful reminder to stay present. Thank you for sharing! xo

  2. Loved your writing Danielle. Great imagery. Read all of your recent blogs and loved the moments captured in your childhood memories. Keep writing my friend!

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